Mossback Grant
Program Description
The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (RFHP) and the Friends of Reservoirs Foundation (FOR) and King Enterprises (, makers of Mossback artificial fish habitat products are pleased to announce their small grants program available exclusively to Friends of Reservoirs member organizations. Mossback has been a corporate sponsor of Friends of Reservoirs for several years and wants to work with FOR members in restoring structural habitat in public waters. Mossback is offering 3-$1000 grants of Mossback products exclusively to FOR members. The retail value of the grants is approximately $1500 if purchased directly from Mossback. The grant is for Mossback Fish Habitat products only and recipients will be responsible for associated freight costs.
Generous donations from our sponsor Mossback Fish Habitat have given FOR the funding to expand our members-only grant programs. Thank you so much!
Deadline to submit a proposal is August 31 of each year. A $25 application fee is charged for each application. All fees go directly back into the grant fund.
For more information on proposal guidelines and project criteria for proposals visit the Project Guidelines.
This application is for FOR members only. You must be logged in as a FOR member to access it. Please contact us using the "Contact Us" page if you need any assistance.
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PDF Version, Updated 6/11/2023