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Seven Coves Bass Club was founded in the fall of 2003 in an effort to bring people with a passion for the sport of tournament fishing together. Seven Coves Bass Club has grown to over 60 members of all ages and backgrounds; boaters and non-boaters. Seven Coves was the first Friends of Reservoirs Chapter, joining in June, 2011 and is the FOR partner active in the Lake Conroe, Texas project and partnered with Texas Parks and Wildlife to evaluate the "Use of Plastic Fish Attractors to Enhance Aquatic Habitat" on six East Texas Lakes. Seven Coves received the first Reservoir Partnership Large Grant in 2010 and a Friends of Reservoirs Small Projects Grant in 2018. |
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Salt City Bassmasters is an organization dedicated to helping its members become better bass anglers through discussion, seminars, and interactive learning. Salt City strives to provide a competitive bass fishing tournament trail that encourages sportsmanship, fun, and learning. SCBM joined FOR in September, 2011. |
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Lake Fork Sportsman's Association, through it's membership, will strive to protect and promote Lake Fork's natural resources for future generations by working with State and local agencies. LFSA received a small projects grant in 2015 to further their native vegetation restoration work on Lake Fork and partnered with Texas Parks and Wildlife to evaluate the "Use of Plastic Fish Attractors to Enhance Aquatic Habitat" on six East Texas Lakes. LFSA received Small Projects Grants from Friends of Reservoirs in 2014, 2018 and 2019. |
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The Canyon Bass Club of San Marcos, Texas was formed in 1968 and averages around 35 members strong. You can view our Club History page for more detailed Club history information. Our Club membership ranges in age from 17 to 84 and we welcome both men and woman alike as well as children who can compete in our Junior Division. We are always looking for new members and we are a very non-boater friendly club. Canyon Bass Club joined FOR in November, 2012 and received a Small Projects Grants in 2014 and 2018 to assist in their annual brush pile projects on Canyon Lake. |
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The Lake Houston Sports and Recreation Foundation was formed by members of the community who are interested in the improvement of Lake Houston and joined FOR in December 2012. |
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Friends of Everbloom is a local group of outdoors people who enjoy Lake Bloomington and Lake Evergreen in Central Illinois and are working to make it better by enhancing access and habitat. FOE joined FOR in January, 2013 and are partners in the Evergreen and Bloomington projects. |
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Prairieland Anglers Association helps its members enjoy fishing, promotes fishing in the community, and passes on fishing information by improving fish habitat, sharing of information, inviting guest speakers to meetings, and having fish outings. PAA joined FOR in February, 2013. |
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The Texas Master Naturalist mission is "To develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities." The Piney Wood Lakes Chapter joined FOR in March, 2013 and was a founding partner of the Lake Livingston project |
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Beginning 11 years of unparalleled growth and success, Still Waters Bass Club continues to be the premiere bass club in the Big Country. The club continues to be a Christian focused bass tournament association of men and women who love to compete and fish together. Still Waters joined FOR in April, 2013. |
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Hell's Gate Bass Club joined FOR in April, 2013 and is a partner in the Possum Kingdom, Texas project. |
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The Tioga Bass County Anglers was organized January 1982 and joined FOR in May, 2013. Their goal is to promote Bass fishing, conservation efforts, and sportsmanship in the region. Tioga Bass Club has been a partner with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Friends of Reservoirs in 2 Shell Appalachia grants that provided more than $70,000 for habitat restoration efforts on Lake Nessmuck and Cowanesque Lake in northwest, Pennsylvania. |
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The Cypress Basin Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists joined FOR in November, 2013. Texas Master Naturalists are volunteers with the interest and desire to give back to their community and willingness to attend the training. |
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The Mineral Wells Bass Club promotes bass fishing, good fellowship and wholesome recreation in a family oriented environment. Mineral Wells joined FOR in April, 2014 and has partnered with Texas Parks and Wildlife and Hells Gate Bass Club on the Possum Kingdom native vegetation and structure enhancement project. |
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Lakeside City is located off State Highway 79 on the southern shores of Lake Wichita. The city was founded September 7, 1963. Lakeside City joined FOR in April, 2014 as part of the vision to revitalize Lake Wichita. |
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The Austin Fly Fishers is an Austin, Texas fly fishing club open to anyone interested in fly fishing. We are a non-profit organization concerned with conserving local waters and the wildlife that inhabit them, as well as promoting the sport and art of fly fishing. We actively support and contribute to various conservation efforts, charities, and youth programs, both nationwide, and in the Austin area. Austin Fly Fishers joined FOR in June, 2014. |
Friends of Lake Waco joined FOR in July, 2014. The organization has worked with Texas Parks and Wildlife staff to install habitat into Lake Waco such as these bambo "crappie condos" above. | |
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Glade Run Lake Conservancy is dedicated to the restoration, ongoing preservation and improvement of Glade Run Lake and its adjacent lands. It encourages the use of Glade Run Lake and lands for outdoor recreation and environmental conservation and education. Glade Run joined FOR in September, 2014 and is the lead for the Glade Run Lake project. |
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Friends of Cave Run Lake was established in 2009. Its purpose is to remember our good friends of the fishing community and provide a lasting legacy through a scholarship fund, partnered with Morehead State University. Friends of Cave Run joined FOR in October, 2014 and has partnered with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources on the Cave Run project. |
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The Friends of Claytor Lake is dedicated to conserving and protecting the quality, sustainability and tranquility of the environment of Claytor Lake for all. FOCL joined FOR in October, 2014. |
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Save Colyer Lake is a charitable organization that is working with the Pennsylvania Legislature to save Colyer Lake in Potter Township. Save Colyer Lake joined FOR in January, 2015. |
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Outdoor Marketing Solutions LLC and TEXAS TOURNAMENT ZONE are dedicated to providing the competitive angler an immediate and singular source for all things tournament fishing. TTZ embraces all aspects of competitive angling including the planning, promotion and directing of bass fishing tournaments. Our website,, delivers tournament news and information pertaining to the sport of bass fishing. We believe our emphasis upon superior customer service, innovation and quality will help us discover new approaches to serve our anglers, inform our viewers and represent our partners. TTZ joined FOR in March, 2015 and is partnering with Texas Parks and Wildlife on the Lake Austin project. |
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Olentangy Watershed Alliance works in partnership with local communities to understand, appreciate, and responsibly use the Olentangy River, its tributaries and watershed. OWA joined FOR in October, 2015 and is partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Delaware Lake project. |
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Midweek Bass Anglers is a fun and challenging fishing club whose members meet monthly for a single day, draw team tournament at desert lakes in Arizona. Though competitive, the club provides its anglers an opportunity for social interaction as well as serving as a means of improving skills through the free exchange of ideas and techniques. MBA joined FOR in December, 2015 and is partnering with Arizona Fish and Game Department on the Roosevelt Lake project. |
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The Coleto Bassmasters mission is to provide a social and friendly fellowship among members and to promote conservation and the future of the sport of Bass fishing. Coleto joined For in April, 2016 and is partnering with Texas Parks and Wildlife on the Coleto Creek project. |
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Friends of Lake Livingston is an all-volunteer, multi-generation corps of adults and students from six school districts, all with one goal: Bring Lake Livingston Back to Life. Lake Livingston FOR joined FOR in August, 2016 and is partnering with Texas Black Bass Unlimited, Texas Parks and Wildlife, the San Jacinto River Authority and a host of other partners to reestablish native vegetation on Lake Livingston. FOLL has received large project grants from the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership in 2014 and 2016 totaling ($30,000) and Small Projects Grants from Friends of Reservoirs in 2016, 2018 and 2019 totaling $3,000. |
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The Carlyle Lake Association (CLA) is An organization of citizens (stakeholders) working for the betterment of Carlyle Lake. The lake has become a treasured resource to thousands of people from throughout southern Illinois and the St. Louis metropolitan area. Often, the interests of some lake users may appear to be in conflict with those of others. CLA, founded in 1995, has grown to be the one voice that speaks for all the interests in Carlyle Lake and works to reconcile differences to everyone's benefit. CLA joined FOR in September, 2016 and is partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on two Large Grant projects on Carlyle Lake. |
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White Mountain Lakes Foundation is dedicated to improving Arizona's White Mountain fisheries through grassroots conservation, restoration and protection efforts. WMLF joined FOR in September, 2016 and was awarded a 2016 Small Projects grant to install aerators on several White Mountain reservoirs. |
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Central Iowa Anglers (CIA) is a multi-species fishing club located in the Des Moines Metro area. Our club is dedicated to the support of wildlife and fishing habitat. We support conservation and try to help improve the quality of fishing on public waters. We want to promote friendliness and fellowship among men, women, and children. Maintaining good sportsmanship and conservation values is an ongoing goal of the club. CIA joined FOR in September, 2016 and is partnering with Iowa DNR on the Easter Lake project. |
Magnolia West Anglers Club is a high school fishing club in Magnolia, Texas interested in conservation. Magnolia West joined FOR in April, 2017 and received a Small Projects grant in 2017. | |
Harrisburg Area Chamber of Commerce is working with other partners, including Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC), to restore fish habitat in Lake Poinsett, Arkansas. Renovation projects have included shoreline stabilization and repairs to the water level control structure. Local partners will be working with AGFC to build and place structural habitat in the lake. Friends of Reservoirs awarded a Small Projects grant to assist in these efforts. | |
Heartland Hookers Bass Club is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL. | |
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Central Illinois Crappie Club is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL. |
City of Sullivan, Illinois has been working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the past 20 years to place recycled Christmas trees in Lake Shelbyville, Illinois. The City is is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville. | |
Lake Shelbyville Muskie Club is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL Past conservation activities have included participation in the annual Shelbyville Lake recycled Christmas tree project, provide funding for muskie research projects through the Illinois Natural History Survey, provide funding for Illinois DNR sampling and hatchery programs, and sponsor symposia and presentations by local scientists, fisheries managers and professional anglers. | |
Central Illinois Sportsmen for Outdoor Accessibility is dedicated to making outdoor sporting activities accessible to all physically handicapped individuals. The organization has been active in sponsoring handicapped-accessible deer hunts and providing safe, handicapped accessible boating and fishing docks on Lake Shelbyville, Illinois. The organiztion is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL. | |
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Northampton County Junior Conservation School Minsi Lake, a PA Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC)-owned reservoir leased to Northampton County and managed by the Northampton County Parks & Recreation Division, has been drawn-down for a two-year-long dam rehabilitation project. Northampton County Junior Conservation School (NCJCS) recently established its Friends of Minsi Lake Committee to help chart the course and provide information and resources needed by Northampton County to improve and enhance the natural and recreational resources under the county's trust at Minsi Lake and surrounding county-managed parkland during the reservoir drawdown and beyond. To this end, NCJCS has collaborated with ten local government entities and nongovernment conservation organizations and appointed representatives from each to its Friends of Minsi Lake Committee. NCJCS and its Friends of Minsi Lake Committee have partnered with the PA Fish & Boat Commission's Cooperative Habitat Improvement Program (CHIP) to design and build habitat structures in the now-empty Minsi Lake basin. NCHCS will be an active partner with PFBC on this CHIP project; helping the agency develop and implement the project, conducting public education and outreach about the project, and fundraising and grant writing to pay for project materials. |
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Illinois Muskie Tournament Trail The Illinois Muskie Tournament Trail (“IMTT”) is an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation uniquely set up through the cooperation of existing Muskie clubs throughout the state. The organization’ s mission is to promote interaction and camaraderie among Muskie fishermen in the State of Illinois and help maintain and expand the state’s fishery. is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL. |
Friends of Carr Creek sponsors an annual Carr Creek Lake Cleanup at Carr Creek State Park in Kentucky. | |
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Cambria County Conservation District deems to educate and assist the public through programs, projects and leadership in the stewardship of natural resources to sustain and enhance the quality of life. Responsibilities of the Conservation District:
Springfield Crappie Club was formed in 1978 and is one of several FOR members currently operating under the "Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance" to restore fisheries habitat on Lake Shelbyville, IL.. The purpose of the club is to:
Friends of Nolin River Lake, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public service organization with a goal to promote, preserve, and enhance Nolin Lake. They became a Friends of Reservoirs member in 2018. The mission of Friends of Nolin Lake is to increase the visibility and perception of Nolin Lake, promote and protect natural resources, encourage safe use of water resources, and promote the local economy through public awareness, community efforts and recreational opportunities. Our goals are to:
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The City of Sulphur Springs, Texas became a Friends of Reservoirs member in 2018. Sulphur Springs is committed to partnering with Texas Parks and Wildlife to make fishing and recreation on Coleman Lake the best that it can be. |
The Dallas Flyfishers was founded in 1971 and became a Friends of Reservoirs member in 2018. The DFF is a local fly fishing club available to members and guests living in the Dallas, Texas and surrounding areas striving to promote the sport of fly fishing, fly tying, and rod building through education, courses, seminars, and monthly meetings. DFF is partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a habitat restoration project on Lewisville Lake. | |
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The Somerset County Conservancy provides for the permanent protection of land and its resources. We offer stewardship, education, and advice for the preservation and enhancement of natural, scenic, historic, and open space lands. Somerset County joined FOR in 2018 and is partnering with Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to restore habitat on Somerset Lake. |
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Muskies, Inc. Chapter 65 Mountain West Muskie became a Muskies, Inc. chapter in 2016 and joined FOR in 2018. Muskies Inc. is partnering with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources on habitat restoration projects on a number of Utah Reservoirs. Their accomplishments in such a short time speak to their conservation and community ethic:
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The Tennessee Tech Bass Club is a college fishing team whose members recognize the importance of conserving and restoring the resources that their sport is dependent on. |
Friends of Doctors Creek Park, Inc. joined FOR in 2018. They work with Texas Parks and Wildlife on habitat restoration efforts on Cooper and Jim Chapman Lakes. | |
Basin Bass Anglers have assisted UT Division of Wildlife Resources staff on several fish habitat and fish rescue efforts on reservoirs in the Vernal, UT area. | |
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Ft. Worth Fly Fishers is an organization of more than 260 men, women and young people who share an enthusiasm for fly fishing, fishable waters and the outdoors. We aim to boost our members’ enjoyment of fly fishing with education, outings, friendship and conservation of habitat. Fort Worth Fly Fishers is committed to creating and maintaining the clean habitat that our sport depends on. We participate in regular area clean-ups and encourage members to do their share when they are in the field. Special trash bags are available at monthly meetings as well. These bags are light and durable. |
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Friends of Sadlers Creek State Park's mission is simple…our one goal is to help make Sadlers Creek State Park the best it can be for every possible user. Our growth will be dependent on how much help we get. As the old saying goes, you can’t do it alone. We need a little help from our friends…you. Sadlers Creek State Park is outside of Anderson, South Carolina. Friends of Sadler Creek became a FOR member in 2019 |
Tims Ford Council Tims Ford Council was established in 1995 and exists to promote and protect the quality of Tims Ford Lake (Winchester, Tennessee) and it's shoreline environ, to provide a form for discussion, education and appropriate action concerning Lake issues and activities, and maintain active liaison with federal, state and local authorities, departments and agencies. Tims Ford Council is organized and operated exclusively for nonprofit purposes and has been a FOR member since 2019. |
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City of Iowa Park Welcome to Iowa Park: a small, safe, family-friendly community in North Texas! Our citizens take pride in the high-quality education systems and many recreational opportunities, including three lakes, a dozen parks, a library, swimming pool, spray park and many public events. With a low crime rate and a small-town atmosphere, Iowa Park is a great place to visit, raise a family, or even retire. Come home to Iowa Park! There are three local reservoirs, Gordon Lake, Iowa Park Lake, and Buffalo Creek Reservoir, that are important to the citizens of Iowa Park. The City of Iowa Park joined the FOR family in 2019. |
Tri-County Bass Anglers was established in 1978 and promotes fun bass tournaments with a great club full of good people. Promoting sportsmanship and getting youth involved in bass fishing. Tri-County Bass Anglers are working with the Indiana DNR to improve structural habitat on Patoka Lake. Tri-County has been a Friends of Reservoirs member since 2019 and received a Small Projects Grant ($1,000) from FOR to further their habitat restoration efforts on Patoka. | |
Claytor Lake Extension joined FOR in 2019. Their members are working with partners to restore habitat in Claytor Lake, Virginia. | |
Friends of Lake Shelbyville joined FOR in 2019 and, as part, of the Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and local conservation organizations, angling groups and businesses to improve structural habitat, stabilize eroded shorelines and establish native vegetation. Lake Shelbyville is located in south central Illinois. | |
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Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance is made up of fishing clubs, individuals, businesses, government agencies, and organizations looking to improve fisheries at Lake Shelbyville. Numerous FOR members interested in working together to improve fish habitat in Lake Shelbyville joined forces to form the Lake Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance in 2019. The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership has provided two large project grants (totaling nearly $100,000) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that are working with members of LSFHA in ongoing efforts to improve the habitat and fishing at Lake Shelbyville. |
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Mark Twain FOREST Council is a non-profit organization that shall promote quality public outdoor experiences at Mark Twain Lake. The Mark Twain Lake Friends of Recreation and Environmental Stewardship Council , regionally known as the FOREST Council, encompasses sixteen different community organizations and public land management agencies that share a common value of responsible stewardship and quality outdoor experiences. The FOREST Council joined FOR in 2019. The Council is working with USACE on an FY2020 grant from the Reservoir Partnership to improve shoreline fishing access on Mark Twain Lake in Missouri. |
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Friends of Barren River Lake is a non-profit partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kentucky State Parks, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, County & Local Governments, and Local Tourism Commissions. This Friends group is committed to enhancing the recreational and aesthetic values of the area it serves, by connecting the people of the local community with the land through its three core values: communication, education, and conservation. At the heart of the organization, local businesses and private individuals assist in the management and stewardship of 20,000 acres of public land in Allen and Barren Counties. Friends of Barren River Lake joined FOR in 2019 and received a Small Projects Grant ($1,000) to help fund structural habitat improvements on Barren River Lake. |
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Platte River Scuba Divers provides a forum for Nebraska scuba enthusiasts to hone their skills. PRSD joined FOR in 2019. |
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Beaver Watershed Alliance (BWA) was formed in 2011 works to proactively protect, enhance, and sustain the high water quality of Beaver Lake, Arkansas and its tributaries through voluntary best management practice implementation, outreach and education, and scientific evaluation. BWA joined Friends of Reservoirs in 2019. |
Friends of Lake Ray Hubbard is a group of concerned anglers that was formed to improve largemouth bass habitat on Lake Ray Hubbard, a Dallas Metroplex reservoir. Friends of Lake Ray Hubbard joined FOR in 2019. | |
Lake Adger Fishing Club is a fledgling group of property owners in the Lake Adger Community (North Carolina) who's preliminary mission is to share a common passion for fishing Lake Adger and to preserve and enhance through participation and education the valuable sport fishery of Lake Adger and its aquatic habitat. | |
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Hendricks County Parks and Recreation Hendricks County is the second fastest growing area in Indiana. We are committed to provided quality outdoor experiences to our citizens and are creating a urban recreational angling reservoir. We are engaging the community in an interactive experience to plan, construct and place artificial structures within this community fishing lake. |
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Friends of Raystown Lake primary focus is the responsible stewardship of the natural and recreational resources of Raystown Lake, Pennsylvania. They are actively involved in environmental education, resource protection and enhancement, and recreational improvement. The Friends of Raystown Lake is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Beginning in 1988 as the Raystown Lake Clean-Up Committee; it incorporated as The Friends of Raystown Lake organization in 1996. |
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Friends of Green River Reservoir is a non-profit membership group dedicated to educating and acting to protect the wilderness-like character and wildlife habitat of Green River Reservoir State Park while preserving its heritage and historical uses for future generations. |
Friends of the Youghiogheny River Lake, Inc. mission is to preserve the Youghiogheny River Lake Natural Resources and improve recreational opportunities while enhancing the areas habitability through increased relations between the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the local community and our members. |
New Member Directory (under construction)

The mission of the Arkansas Angler's Association is to collaborate seamlessly with the Arkansas Game and Fish to enhance the overall health and sustainability of our state's fisheries. Through dedication, conservation efforts, and fostering a sense of responsibility among anglers, we aim to contribute to the preservation and improvement of Arkansas' aquatic ecosystems for the enjoyment of current and future generations. Together, we cast a ripple effect that positively impacts the quality of fis
Floating Island International
Floating Island International (FII) produces floating treatment wetlands. Our primary function is as fish, bird and amphibian habitat. We are currently developing an oxygenation island system as well to prevent methane emissions from nutrient impaired waterways, especially reservoirs.
Red Rock Lake Association

The Red Rock Lake Association partners with the US Army Corps of Engineers to assist with managing recreation, development and environmental stewardship opportunities at Lake Red Rock.
Sesser-Valier Outdoorsmen Club

SV Outdoorsmen Club is a high school club that is community service project driven. We take our love of the outdoors and combine it with our passion to help others. We have served the Southern Illinois region for over 40 years.
Become a Contributing Sponsor
Become a part of projects that need your support.