In addition to the cubes, LSFHA has built and installed 150 artificial stumps and a plant nursery. LSFHA has introduced more than 600 potted plants complete with herbivore exclosures. Fluctuating water levels has made establishment of founder colonies a challenge, but not be deterred, LSFHA will be using floating islands to establish seed banks in the future.

More than 12,000 linear feet of eroded banks have been stabilized using rip rap.
LSFHA holds an annual Ducks Unlimited-style banquet to raise funds for their ongoing restoration efforts. The 2019 banquet attracted more than 100 people, including local and state notaries, and raised more than $20,000. COVID-19 resulted in cancelling the 2020 banquet. LSFHA will be hosting the 2021 Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership/Friends of Reservoirs Annual Meeting. A banquet and fundraising raffle/auction will be held at that meeting with proceeds going to Lake Shelbyville habitat restoration efforts.

Conservation is a multigenerational challenge. LSFHA alliance includes Boy Scouts in their aquatic plant restoration program and recently had a cube build at a local elementary school.