Enhanced Focus on Reservoir Habitat In Arkansas
- Jon Stein - AGFC
- Will Lancett - AGFC
- Elizabeth Chambers - AGFC
Arkansas reservoirs are aging and much of the original habitat is degrading or has been lost. In order to address this issue, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) recently formed the AGFC Reservoir Habitat Team, whose objective is to address habitat degradation within Arkansas Reservoirs by focusing on fish habitat improvements, including building artificial and natural structures, restoring aquatic plant communities, conducting habitat evaluations, and developing stakeholder partnerships . In addition, AGFC recently teamed up with local high schools, volunteers, and businesses to form the Northwest Arkansas Fish Habitat Alliance. The Alliance will focus on improving fish habitat around Northwest Arkansas while also providing educational opportunities to local high school students. High School students will have the opportunity to build and deploy fish habitat structures, construct and maintain aquatic plant nurseries, and attend educational workshops focused on the importance of fish habitat management. With the formation of the AGFC Reservoir Habitat Team and the support from the Northwest Arkansas Fish Habitat Alliance, AGFC strives to combat reservoir habitat degradation head on.